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The Keys to the Mazzaroth

Set of 48 (4” x 7”) Flashcards

Shipping Estimated to Begin 4/2/25


“I have to say that I was just thrilled with the way you approached this project. I spent so long looking at them, and each time I found something new and amazing. These cards really do make a huge impression - they are colourful, interesting, thoughtful and will no doubt be incredibly useful to anyone who uses them. You've done an amazing job and the result speaks for itself!

I can see how much effort and time you put into making each card not only informative but also visually appealing. Your efforts can't go unnoticed - it's real hard work that should be appreciated. You're really doing a great job! I see that you manage to create something extraordinary, and such projects only emphasise your creativity and ability to work on details. I am sure that your cards will be a great success. I wish you keep it up - you are definitely on the right track.” Julia, Ukraine


A comparative study of the signs of the zodiac and the word of Elohim as they relate to the history and redemption of the 12 tribes of the children of Israel in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.

Over the past 10 years, I have sought to understand the meaning of the Mazzaroth from a strictly Biblical and Hebraic perspective by allowing the Bible to interpret the symbolism employed for each of the principal constellations and the 36 accompanying minor constellations. Much in the same way one would seek to understand the symbolism employed in the book of Revelation. To understand the meaning of these symbols, you must search out their use in the rest of Scripture. This is the process I have meticulously used to unlock the symbolism in the Mazzaroth.

Secondly, I have relied upon the Hebrew names for the signs, comparing the meaning of these names with scripture. This has yielded additional insights that are often overlooked by the casual student of the Mazzaroth. I also use the law of first mentioned.

Finally, my most significant discovery and method of interpreting the signs of the Mazzaroth has been the use of the 12 simple Hebrew letters that each sign is represented by. I made this discovery over three years ago on the following website that no longer exists - Thankfully, I took the following screenshot to preserve the evidence for what I had discovered. Note the solitary comment by EnGedi which is most revealing.

In this comment by EnGedi, he says to “compare shape and meaning of ancient hebrew letters to see.” For the past 4 years this is what I have done. The first thing I did was reverse the letters back to their original position with the constellations as seen here.

Note some of the similarities between the letters and the constellations. I then began studying out the meaning of the ancient paleo pictographs and their numerical values to gain a deeper understanding of these letters. The story that soon began to emerge was that these 12 single Hebrew letters parallel twelve major milestones in the history and redemption of the twelve tribes of Israel.

In regards to these letters having been “reversed,” I have since learned that the Rabbi’s have a tendency to corrupt their own literature. They try to conceal things and hide things in a lot of underhanded ways so that the manuscripts won’t be spread abroad and they lose their hold on the key of knowledge as it were. This is the kind of thing you see consistently throughout all of their hidden writings. They try to conceal the knowledge by doing this.

Yahushua spoke to the teachers of the law in his day saying:

Woe to you Torah experts! For you have taken away the knowledge! Not only did you yourself not go in, you stopped those who were trying to enter.” (Luke 11:52) The Complete Jewish Bible

In the Sepher Yetzirah (The Book of Creation), is this incredible confirming witness of the zodiac signs being represented by the twelve single Hebrew letters:

These 12 letters, he designed, formed, combined, weighed, and changed, and created with them the 12 divisions of the heavens (namely, the zodiac or constellations).”

The understanding of these letters in their paleo Hebrew form, and their numerical values, is absolutely critical to come to a correct understanding of the zodiac signs as they relate to the history and redemption of the 12 tribes of Israel. The meaning of these letters and their numerical values provide clues as to where we are in the timeline of Israel’s history.

The discovery of these letters kept secret for millennia are the keys that will unlock the 12 houses of the zodiac and take the study of the Mazzaroth to a much higher level of understanding than ever before.

If you want a more solidly based Biblical and Hebraic understanding of the Mazzaroth that is keyed to the 12 simple Hebrew letters, then look no further. The poster I created below (12” x 24” or 24” x 32”) is the culmination of my 10 year study of the Mazzaroth which I have based upon the understanding of the 12 simple Paleo Hebrew letters. Over 300 scriptural references that are linked to the meaning of the Hebrew names of the zodiacal constellations and to the Hebrew letters.

(18” x 24”) or (24” x 32”) Poster. Highly detailed study of the Mazzaroth (Zodiac) from a Biblical and Hebraic understanding. Based upon the newly rediscovered 12 single Hebrew Paleo letters that each sign has been represented by for thousands of years. Each letter and sign relating to 12 major milestones in the history and redemption of the 12 tribes of Israel in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.

VIRGO: The development of the bride beginning with Abraham.

LIBRA: The Exodus and the giving of the law.

SCORPIO: Wandering in the wilderness for 40 years

SAGITTARIUS: Joshua's conquest of the land of Canaan.

CAPRICORN: The story of King David.

AQUARIUS: Judgment on the Southern Kingdom of Judah.

PISCES: The scattering and recovery of lost sheep of Israel.

ARIES: The Lamb of God proclaiming liberty to the captives.

TAURUS: Preaching of the Gospel to the Jews

GEMINI: Preaching of the Gospel to the Gentiles.

CANCER: The time of trouble and second coming of Yahushua.

LEO: The judgment of Babylon the Great.


What People are saying…

“What a magnificent piece of work. I have always wanted to study the Zodiac in light of Hebrew, I just never seemed to have the time. Thank you for sharing your work.” Jeff A. Benner, Ancient Hebrew Research

“I would like to thank you for your groundbreaking work in this sorely misunderstood subject matter. May our Great Saviour Yeshua continue to bless you with His Wisdom and Insight that comes from ABOVE. I have just begun to study the information you have dedicated the last nine years of your life to not only to understand for yourself, but to communicate and make it available to other Bible students like me who desire to know the FULLNESS of these matters revealed in the OT and NT.

“Just received my order, “The Tabernacle in the Heavens Chart.” It's beautiful! Thank you so much for making this magnificent Chart available. I am also pleased that it arrived a little earlier than expected too. I'll have to search for a very nice frame for it.“ Tami, Tennessee, USA

“You are so blessed to have received this information, I want everyone to know about it. I have always been fascinated with the firmament and stars. In the Christian church we were told astrology is bad, stay away from that. So I never really looked into it. I am so glad for the information you have given us. I am watching your videos to learn as much as I can.” Cynthia, California, USA

“Excellent poster! I’ve got so many people asking me where I got it from! Sharing the link happily!” Katherine, Texas, USA

“Let me just say, I am truly blessed by your research and efforts put into this. The moment I started reading, I instantly felt it in the Spirit, that it was inspired by Him! Things have clicked in ways they never have before while reading. My mind is just really blown right now. You have put together and amazing collection of work and THANK YOU for being an amazing servant of Yah brother! This work of yours is PROFOUND! Blessing and favor upon you brother.Ash, Oklahoma, USA

I can't wait to receive the big one and hang it on my wall.  I have been in awe of the night sky my whole life and never really known why it had such an effect on me every time I looked up, it literally took my breath. Thank you for all the work you have done to put all this together so well it is certainly going to deepen my understanding.” Kim, Victoria, Australia

Wow, just wow! I have both posters (The Tabernacle of Moses & The Tabernacle in the Heavens) on my wall and take little bits of it in at a time, trying to grasp it all with the help of the Holy Spirit. You did a phenomenal amount of work! It is also beautiful and professional. It honestly blows my mind. I'm blessed that when I wanted to research this, there you were, having already done it all, or the lion's share anyway. I can't wait for your book to come out. I wish you did a weekly video Bible study. Thank you for always taking the time to respond to my questions and with such insight.Colleen, Wyoming, USA

I just got the book by Tim Warner (Mystery of the Mazzaroth), but your knowledge is past that.” Pamela, MD, USA

So amazing, forget the Bible code or the Da Vinci code, this is the true thing! Thanks for sharing. Loving it! Trishonna, Oregon, USA

Your depth and breadth of knowledge is astounding.” Jeanine, Washington, USA

I wanted to know what “signs” in Genesis 1:14 meant and nothing answered that question like the Tabernacle in the Heavens poster Robert has created so wonderfully. This poster connects what is in the firmament to God’s word, the Bible, like nothing else. This is what the entire world needs to see to unwind all the lies we have been told about the universe and astrology! Psalm 19:1-4 now makes perfect sense to me too.” Kathleen, Grants Pass, OR

The author totally opens the mind to the way our Creator speaks to us through his creation in the sky. I’m looking forward to reading more. I hope he continues to write his revelations to us. Myrrh, Wisconsin, USA

Excellently put together and easy to understand. The foundation to the understanding of the soon-to-be-shared results of a fascinating and uplifting in-depth study undertaken by the producer.Andre, Cape Town, South Africa

Thank you for all your research. I grew up as an un Orthodox Jew in a household where we tried to hide our faith from others. Yet the Mazzaroth studies was one of my favorites studies. So I thank you for allowing the creator to use you in this way. I am happy to see someone who gets it so closely and carefully as you have. I am now a born-again Christian believer and follower of the Messiah (Christ) Jesus & shared my mazzaroth book along with your poster to my pastor. Your poster was so well informed that I also came back to purchase a poster for him as well. Once more, I thank you.” Kathleen, California

Wow, I’m super digging your stuff. I’m studying it every day. It’s amazing and lined up with all the knowledge I have found and heard myself. Plus sooo much more you’ve put together.” Laurah, Austin, TX

I really enjoy your website and channel. Thank you for your diligent work for our Creator and sharing all of this wealth He's given you. I'm definitely blessed by it and continue to share it as well. Thank you, brother!” Jessica, Madras, OR

Newly updated presentation of the Mazzaroth

(60 new slides added to the original presentation)